Easton, Steve, Gerlach, Richard. Carfax; 2005. Interest rates and the 2004 Australian election.
Hits: 1988
Visitors: 1962
Downloads: 3
Docherty, Paul, Chan, Howard, Easton, Steve. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing; 2010. Tangibility and investment irreversibility in asset pricing.
Hits: 1427
Visitors: 1599
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Uylangco, Katherine, Easton, Steve, Faff, Robert. Emerald Group Publishing; 2010. The equity and efficiency of the Australian share market with respect to director trading.
Hits: 2334
Visitors: 2314
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Easton, Steve, Pinder, Sean, Uylangco, Katherine. Elsevier; 2013. A case study of short-sale constraints and limits to arbitrage..
Hits: 2076
Visitors: 2273
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Easton, Steve, Kerin, Paul. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia; 2010. Market efficiency and the Global Financial Crisis.
Hits: 1216
Visitors: 1585
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Docherty, Paul, Chan, Howard, Easton, Steve. Sage; 2011. Asset tangibility, industry representation and the cross section of equity returns.
Hits: 1106
Visitors: 1902
Downloads: 574
McCredie, Bronwyn, Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve, Uylangco, Katherine. Elsevier; 2014. The differential impact of monetary policy announcements and explanatory minutes releases on the Australian interest rate futures market.
Hits: 1070
Visitors: 1604
Downloads: 325
Akhtaruzzaman, Md, Shamsuddin, Abul, Easton, Steve. Elsevier; 2014. Dynamic correlation analysis of spill-over effects of interest rate risk and return on Australian and US financial firms.
Hits: 2037
Visitors: 2231
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Uylangco, Katherine, Easton, Steve, Faff, Robert. University of Newcastle; 2009. The equity and efficiency of the Australian share market with respect to director trading.
Hits: 2195
Visitors: 2120
Downloads: 9
Docherty, Paul, Chan, Howard, Easton, Steve. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing; 2010. Tangibility and investment irreversibility in asset pricing.
Hits: 1133
Visitors: 1990
Downloads: 509
Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve. Sage; 2014. A note on the pricing of Australian government asset sales.
Hits: 1247
Visitors: 1232
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Easton, Steve. Blackwell Publishing Asia; 2006. Sons of Gwalia: errors in speculation and hedging.
Hits: 1103
Visitors: 1068
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Easton, Steve, Pinder, Sean. Sage; 2021. Measuring the price of Australian water.
Hits: 2270
Visitors: 979
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Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve. Elsevier; 2018. State-varying illiquidity risk in sovereign bond spreads.
Hits: 830
Visitors: 824
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Melia, Adrian, Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve. Sage Publications; 2019. The impact of regulation on the seasoned equity offering decision.
Hits: 662
Visitors: 662
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Easton, Steve, Howard, Peter. Blackwell Publishing Asia; 2005. Agency costs at Telstra: a case study.
Hits: 2232
Visitors: 2186
Downloads: 3
Easton, Steve, Kerin, Paul. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia; 2010. Market efficiency and the Global Financial Crisis.
Hits: 1608
Visitors: 1703
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Docherty, Paul, Chan, Howard, Easton, Steve. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing; 2013. Australian evidence on the implementation of the size and value premia.
Hits: 1633
Visitors: 2018
Downloads: 434
Docherty, Paul, Chan, Howard, Easton, Steve. Social Science Electronic Publishing; 2009. Tangibility, investment irreversibility and asset pricing.
Hits: 857
Visitors: 1628
Downloads: 450
Docherty, Paul, Chan, Howard, Easton, Steve. University of New South Wales, Australian School of Business; 2010. Asset tangibility, industry representation and the cross section of equity returns.
Hits: 1828
Visitors: 2855
Downloads: 727
Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve. Routledge; 2012. Market efficiency and continuous information arrival: evidence from prediction markets.
Hits: 937
Visitors: 1355
Downloads: 446
Easton, Steve, Gerlach, Richard. Carfax; 2005. Interest rates and the 2004 Australian election.
Hits: 1365
Visitors: 1347
Downloads: 0
Docherty, Paul, Chan, Howard, Easton, Steve. Elevier; 2013. Can we treat empirical regularities as state variables in the ICAPM? evidence from Australia.
Hits: 1820
Visitors: 2831
Downloads: 635
Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve. Lawbook; 2015. The long-run efficiency gains in public-to-private transfers: new evidence from earnings announcements.
Hits: 716
Visitors: 861
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Melia, Adrian, Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve. Wiley-Blackwell; 2015. Net share issues and the cross-section of equity returns under a dividend imputation tax system.
Hits: 1213
Visitors: 1179
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McCredie, Bronwyn, Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve, Uylangco, Katherine. Elsevier; 2016. The channels of monetary policy triggered by central bank actions and statements in the Australian equity market.
Hits: 1297
Visitors: 1234
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Melia, Adrian, Chan, Howard, Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve. Elsevier; 2018. Explanations of cycles in seasoned equity offerings: An examination of the choice between rights issues and private placements.
Hits: 720
Visitors: 719
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Docherty, Paul, Easton, Steve, Pinder, Sean. Elsevier; 2021. Flights-to-control: time variation in the value of a vote.